The relation between teachers’ beliefs and assessment practices in mathematics
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INTRODUCTION. Given the supposed interrelation between teachers´ beliefs and practices and derived from the problems of low achievement registered in the learning tests in primary learning tests in the area of mathematics, the objective is to know the¡ existing association between these two constructs, focusing the analysis on classroom assessment. METHOD. A cross-sectional study was conducted, in which 4,674 primary school teachers from the state of Baja California, Mexico, participated. Data collection was carried out by applying a self-report questionnaire composed of two Likert-type scales, which was designed and validated within the framework of this study. RESULTS. By calculating Pearson and Spearman correlation coefficients a positive association was observed between teachers´ beliefs and 22 of the 24 assessment practices variables addressed. Although the correlation coefficients did not register high values, it was possible to observe logical relationships from a theoretical perspective in most of the variables. However, in the case of formative assessment strategies, relationships were identified that were not very congruent with teaching conceptions. On the other hand, the assessment techniques and instruments did not show any association. DISCUSSION. The above allows to partially accept the research hypothesis that raises the relation between teachers´ beliefs and practices. The results show the importance of strengthening beliefs towards pedagogical trends that place students at the center of the educational process, as well as recognizing the complexity of classroom assessment. This requires the participation of different actors in the design and implementation of more comprehensive and effective strategies that have student learning as their goal.
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