Perception of physical self-concept in secondary school students in Physical Education classes
Student perception, Physical self-concept, Secondary education, Physical education;, StudentsAbstract
This research provides the results on the physical self-concept of 279 high school students from the Biobío region, Chile. The purpose was to analyze the different variables of the questionnaire, sociodemographic data and their existing relationship. To meet the objective of the study, descriptive and comparative analyzes were carried out using T Student and ANOVA. In the same way, Pearson correlations were made to identify the link between the dimensions of the instrument with respect to the sex of the students. The results show that the variables that obtained the highest score corresponded to health, coordination and obesity, and, conversely, to aspects related to active life and strength. In addition, statistically significant differences were observed in different variables, mainly in favor of men. It is concluded that the physical self-concept has positive and negative repercussions depending on the sex of the students.
Keywords: Student perception; Physical self-concept; Secondary education; Physical education; Students.
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