Digital Competences in Bachelor of Physical Education students
Digital Competences; University students; Higher education; TIC.Abstract
The objective of this article is to analyze the digital competences in students of Bachelor of Physical Education. For this, the questionnaire of the Digital Competence of Higher Education Students (CDAES) designed by Gutierrez, Cabero and Estrada (2017), composed of 44 items and 6 variables, was applied. The methodology used is quantitative, not experimental, and descriptive in scope. SPSS software was used for the study, the statistical analysis was carried out with descriptive statistics techniques and the variables analyzed were: technological literacy; search and treatment of information; critical thinking, problem solving and decision making; communication and collaboration; digital competence and creativity and innovation. The main findings reflect that dimensions I, III, IV, V and VI, yield acceptable scores with respect to the arithmetic mean, while dimension II, present low scores. It is concluded that both teachers and students of the different higher education institutions should acquire a deeper knowledge and a more constant and efficient adaptation regarding the domain of technology.
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