Determination of the quality of university training in six careers of pedagogy and degree in physical education of Chile


  • Marcelo González Orb
  • Rodrigo Vargas Vitoria Universidad Católica del Maule, Talca
  • Jorge Flandez Valderrama Austral University of Chile, Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities, School of Physical Education and Sports
  • Manuel Lobos-González Universidad Andrés Bello: Facultad de Educación y Ciencias Sociales



Training Quality, Higher education evaluation, Quality of Formation, Strengths and Formative weaknesses


Descriptive study whose objective is to determine the quality of training of Pedagogy students in Physical Education, in six University entities, based on the domain of seven dimensions associated with the Curricular Bases: Expression, Didactics, Management, Training, Sports, Recreation, Health and First Aid. Material and Method: The population and sample is made up of students in the last year of the degree, N=214, n=133 men and n=81 women. The instrument used, the 70-item Specialty Knowledge Test, with an internal consistency of .778, an average difficulty index of 0.59, an average high discrimination index of 0.39 and a good discrimination coefficient of 0.25, that is, appropriate. Results, statistically significant differences were observed by sex favorable to women in Expression (p=.014) and men in Training (p=.014) and Sports (p=.014). There are no significant differences by sex in Didactics, Recreation Management, Health and First Aid, and in General (p>.05). Conclusions: the training in general terms presents weaknesses in all the dimensions under study, qualifying it as regular. The mastery of the students regarding the Curricular Bases of Physical Education, MINEDUC, are at low levels. There is no correlation between gender and knowledge, although the results are favorable to men, they are not statistically significant with respect to women. The comparative table of dominance between the universities, allows establishing that an entity presents better scores, being far from the ideal, finally the training of the students (as), is located in the regular range, far from the ideal.

Keywords: Training Quality; Higher education evaluation; Quality of Formation, Strengths and Formative weaknesses.

Author Biographies

Marcelo González Orb,

Marcelo González Orb Andrés Bello University: Faculty of Education and Social Sciences

Rodrigo Vargas Vitoria, Universidad Católica del Maule, Talca

Decano facultad de Ciencias de la Educación UCM

Jorge Flandez Valderrama, Austral University of Chile, Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities, School of Physical Education and Sports

2Jorge Flandez Valderrama Austral University of Chile Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities, school of physical education and sports: ORCID

Manuel Lobos-González, Universidad Andrés Bello: Facultad de Educación y Ciencias Sociales

3*Manuel Rodrigo Lobos González Andrés Bello University: Faculty of Education and Social Sciences. ORCID


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How to Cite

González Orb, M. ., Vargas Vitoria, R., Flandez Valderrama, J., & Lobos-González, M. . (2024). Determination of the quality of university training in six careers of pedagogy and degree in physical education of Chile. Retos, 52, 27–36.



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