
Recepción de originales nº 46


Número 46

Próxima apertura de recepción de propuestas:

Investigación: Del 15 de junio al 15 de julio

Monográfico: Del 15 de julio al 15 de agosto

Tema del monográfico:

 "La formación de profesionales en la intervención socioeducativa preventiva con familias basada en la evidencia"

Antes de enviar el manuscrito, los autores deben revisar las normas de publicación de Pedagogía Social. Revista Interuniversitaria.

Muchas gracias a las autoras y los autores por su interés en publicar en nuestra revista.

Read more about Recepción de originales nº 46

Current Issue

No. 44 (2024): Social Pedagogy in Secondary Schools: participation, coexistence and community action
Portada número 44

From both social-pedagogical and social-educational approaches, this monograph aims to address the participation in adolescence and early adulthood stages by the educational body — all from the community-based dimension. Because education does also imply social learning during the exercise of citizenship, the accurate integration of the educational institutions in their near environments, and their involvement in the ethical dimensions of education make up the pillars of above-mentioned learning. Therefore, the volume aims at providing answers inferred from sub-fields like, for example, how the social-educational participation is established along with community’s interrelationships and decision-making in terms of coexistence, inclusion, and the necessary learning from society on the particular “living together” experience.

Published: 2024-01-09

Monographic Presentation

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