Effects of varying intervals of time and intensities of aerobic exercise on levels of selective and sustained atten-tion in university students


  • Fernando Maureira Cid
  • Elizabeth Flores Ferro Universidad Católica Silva Henríquez
  • Marcelo Hadweh Briceño Universidad Bernardo O'Higgins https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5218-3131
  • Douglas Paredes Araya Universidad Católica Silva Henríquez
  • Matías Morales Lillo Universidad Bernardo O'Higgins




selective attention, sustained attention, aerobic exercise, university students


In recent decades various studies have shown the positive effects of the practice of physical exercise on the attentional levels. The objective of this research was to know the effects of aerobic physical exercise of different intervals of time and intensities on the levels of selective and sustained attention in university students. For this purpose, the Toulouse-Piéron test was applied to 63 male students of Physical Education before and after an intervention with different durations and intensities of aerobic work. The results show that aerobic exercise lasting 10, 20 and 30 minutes with an intensity of 65%-80% of the maximum heart rate causes improvements in levels of selective and sustained attention. It is proposed to generate spaces in the university context so that students can practice different physical activities that achieve these intensities in times where positive effects were found in the cognitive function studied.

Keywords: selective attention, sustained attention, aerobic exercise, college students.


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How to Cite

Maureira Cid, F., Flores Ferro, E., Hadweh Briceño, M. ., Paredes Araya, D., & Morales Lillo, M. (2023). Effects of varying intervals of time and intensities of aerobic exercise on levels of selective and sustained atten-tion in university students. Retos, 47, 915–919. https://doi.org/10.47197/retos.v47.96926



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