The school as a space to become a teacher: Experiences of Physical Education teachers in training


  • Samuel Pérez Norambuena Universidad Del BioBio
  • Raquel Aburto Godoy
  • Felipe Poblete-Valderrama Universidad Santo Tomás, Valdivia. Chile.Doctorado en Educación, Universidad Academia de Humanismo Cristiano.
  • Oscar Aguayo Álvarez



pedagogical practice; teacher training; teaching; vocational training


In teacher training, future teachers learn a wide range of knowledge and skills. It has been indicated that teaching practice is the most important part of training since it affects the personal and professional development of pedagogy students. This research focused on analyzing the meanings of the experiences of 36 teachers in training, during a period of teaching practice in secondary schools in the Bío-Bío region, Chile. Qualitative study whose information collection instrument was the digital registry log. The main findings show that student teachers experience a wide variety of emotions during this training process, influenced by the interactions that occur in the classroom, the relationship that occurs with students, communication with teachers who guide them in school and by the context of these. These elements challenge and predispose their teaching performance. The results also suggest that it is necessary to intentionally incorporate issues related to human interactions in training, as they are essential to take on future challenges as teachers.


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How to Cite

Pérez Norambuena, S., Aburto Godoy, R., Poblete-Valderrama, F., & Aguayo Álvarez, O. (2022). The school as a space to become a teacher: Experiences of Physical Education teachers in training. Retos, 43, 27–35.



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