Physical education teacher emotions: narrative review (2010-2020)
emotion, ethics, teachers, physical education, qualitative researchAbstract
Abstract. The study of emotions in physical education is increasingly common. However, the emotions of the students have enjoyed more prominence in the literature, compared to those of the teachers. The study of teachers' emotions is divided into two main approaches, one focused on intensity and the other on emotional quality. With the intention of contributing to the understanding of emotional quality, it has been decided to carry out a narrative review that aimed to analyze the meanings of the emotions of physical education teachers. The search was carried out in seven international databases and it was possible to identify seven qualitative investigations on the subject. The results indicate that teachers' emotions respond to teaching knowledge, values, work performance, personal and professional experience. It is concluded that the teachers' emotions express the complexity of the teaching work and their ethical positions in the face of diverse pedagogical situations.
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