Agency indicators in Agile educational experiences: a scoping review
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agile frameworks
student agency
educational technology
higher education
scoping review marcos de trabajo ágiles
agencia del estudiante
tecnología educacional
enseñanza superior
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How to Cite

Torres-Blasco, C., & Pérez-Garcias, A. (2023). Agency indicators in Agile educational experiences: a scoping review: [Agency indicators in Agile educational experiences: a scoping review]. Pi­xel-Bit. Media and Education Journal, 68, 183–215.


Agile was initially created for software project management. However, it has been extended to fields such as education, because it encourages active student learning (Krehbiel et al., 2017). Thus, Agile can facilitate student agency by intervening in the responsibility for learning. Through this scoping review under the PRISMA protocol, we want to identify if Agile teaching strategies contribute to the development of student agency in higher education, and if these strategies are deployed with the support of technological resources. From the 116 selected documents, we have obtained results that indicate a growing interest in these strategies. Scrum is the most widely used agile framework and its main use is in Computer Science. Additionally, we have identified numerous technological resources for communication, collaboration and the management of agile projects. As for the relationship with agency, there are coincident factors such as self-regulated learning, ownership of learning, autonomy or collaboration (Marín et al., 2020). Future work involves a qualitative analysis, to develop a model with Agile-based instructional design principles to support agency.
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