Video analysis of scientific inquiry in preservice teacher education: T-patterns identification
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Preservice teacher education
video recordings
research strategies Formación preparatoria de docentes
grabación en vídeo
proceso de enseñanza
estrategias en la investigación

How to Cite

Peguera-Carré, M. C., Curto Reverte, A., Coiduras Rodríquez, J. L., & Aguilar Camaño, D. (2023). Video analysis of scientific inquiry in preservice teacher education: T-patterns identification: [Video analysis of scientific inquiry in preservice teacher education: T-patterns identification]. Pi­xel-Bit. Media and Education Journal, 67, 123–153.


Observation practices in the initial teacher training has been favoured by the proliferation of digital tools for the analysis of classroom performance and the latest developments in software for new and more complex data processing. The literature refers to the effectiveness of video analysis practices in the transmission and acquisition of pedagogical knowledge in higher education. This quasi-experimental study presents the results of a training process based on the observation and analysis of video sequences about scientific inquiry and its teaching in primary education. The audiovisual records of thirty preservice primary education teachers conducting experimental science lectures, before and after the training process, show in the performed statistical studies and in the T-patterns significant changes in the appropriation of didactic models based on inquiry. The preservice teachers shift from initial performances based on guided scientific demonstrations to later interventions that show a more inquiry-based approach where a greater diversity and mobilisation of scientific skills accompanied by pedagogical aids have been identified.
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