An Assessment of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) among Pre-service Teachers: A Rasch Model Measurement [Evaluación del conocimiento tecnológico pedagógico del contenido (TPACK) entre los profesores en formación: modelo de medición Rasch]
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Maestros en formación
Cuestionario de validación
Modelo rasch Pre-service teachers
Validation questionnaire
Rasch model

How to Cite

Komarudin, K., & Suherman, S. (2024). An Assessment of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) among Pre-service Teachers: A Rasch Model Measurement [Evaluación del conocimiento tecnológico pedagógico del contenido (TPACK) entre los profesores en formación: modelo de medición Rasch]. Pi­xel-Bit. Media and Education Journal, 71, 59–82.


The increasing importance of integrating technology into educational environments has underscored the importance of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) for effective teaching in the 21st century. However, many pre-service teachers face challenges in proficiently accessing and utilising new technologies in their teaching practices. The existing literature lacks a thorough examination of the empirical aspects of TPACK instruments and their applicability across various educational settings and levels, particularly in non-Western contexts. This research aimed to evaluate and compare TPACK among pre-service teachers in Indonesia. A diverse sample of 405 Indonesian pre-service teachers from different disciplines participated by completing an online TPACK questionnaire. Confirmatory factor analysis and the Rasch model were utilised to validate the questionnaire, demonstrating a well-fitting model consistent with its theoretical framework and a satisfactory fit for individuals and items. The evaluation of TPACK among pre-service elementary, preschool, and mathematics education teachers revealed superior performance by pre-service elementary school teachers. The robust psychometric properties make it suitable for exploring TPACK. This research lays the groundwork for further investigation of the empirical dimensions of TPACK in diverse educational contexts.
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