Today, a digital gap occurs due to individuals’ incapability to take full advantage of the opportunities that the internet and the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) facilitate. In Higher Education, this gap is related to a scarce training on the required development of Teaching Digital Competence (TDC) level. The objective of this research is to provide a training proposal to upgrade university teachers Digital Competence (DC). Throughout an expert judgment process and a two iterations Delphi study, a group of educational technology specialists validated this proposal. A fine training proposal version was developed after taking into consideration the judges’ observation, it includes relevant aspects such as mentoring, feedback and support, with the aim to achieve the institutional strategic objectives. For the majority of the proposal indicators and dimensions, the Fleiss statistic shows an "almost perfect" judges’ agreement. The emphasis on further similar studies will be placed on the students’ DC level of improvement and on the development on specific training based on variables such as age, experience, education, gender, work situation, time of dedication, among others.
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