Impact of scheduled physical activity on motor performance in preschoolers


  • Rafael Zapata Lamana
  • Igor Cigarroa Cuevas
  • Matias Monsalvez Álvarez
  • Lizette Cenzano Castillo
  • Carlos Matus Castillo
  • Lucia Illanes Aguilar
  • Felipe Poblete-Valderrama Universidad Santo Tomás, Valdivia. Chile.Doctorado en Educación, Universidad Academia de Humanismo Cristiano.



Physical exercise, Nutritional status, Pediatric obesity, Preschool, Motor performance.


The study of the relationship between the development of motor patterns and levels of physical activity in childhood has taken a renewed interest with the aim of reorienting practices in this age group. The objective of this research was to compare the effect of a 12-week intervention, through the execution of physical activity circuits, on motor performance in preschoolers, the selected sample was a group of boys and girls between 4-6 years old, that for research purposes were divided into two groups according to their nutritional status: normal weight (n = 12) and overweight / obesity (n = 9). It corresponds to a quantitative study, in which BMI / age, circumference waist and motor performance. According to the results, it was possible to show that there are significant improvements in motor performance in the normal weight group, specifically in balance, jumping and running and in the overweight / obese group, there was only one improvement in running. In conclusion, a physical activity intervention, using circuits, improved motor performance in the preschool sample, mainly in the group with normal nutritional status.


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How to Cite

Zapata Lamana, R., Cigarroa Cuevas, I., Monsalvez Álvarez, M., Cenzano Castillo, L., Matus Castillo, C., Illanes Aguilar, L., & Poblete-Valderrama, F. (2022). Impact of scheduled physical activity on motor performance in preschoolers. Retos, 44, 319–327.



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