Determining factors in the systematization of investigative pedagogical practice in physical education, recreation, sport, and sports administration




Pedagogical practices, formative research, physical education, recreation, sports, learning needs, sports administration.


The objective of this work has been to analyze the factors of the systematization of the investigative pedagogical practice in physical education, recreation, sport and sports administration of physical education students at the University of Córdoba, Colombia. The population is made up of 41 students of the program, 100% of the 10th semester students distributed in seven groups of classes that are completing the systematization of pedagogical practices, in the Physical Education, Recreation and Sports program of the University of Córdoba, Colombia. Six dimensions were enabled, extracted from the learning outcomes evaluation rubrics of said program, each of them has four variables which will allow the factorial study. High reliability of the scale was obtained with a Cronbach's Alpha of 0.927, using SPSS 28.0 statistical software, and no value was excluded. The result of the factor analysis demonstrated the one-dimensionality of the variables studied, except for the students' motivation to graduate. Demonstrating that these effectively determine formative research in physical education. The evaluation matrices generated in the factor analysis showed that only physical education and sport are correlated as training needs, the writing of research reports with participation in scientific events, the creation of companies with research projects and research-based learning with project based. Correlating these last two with formative research. In conclusion, the analysis showed that the highest factor loading is research-based learning with a value of 0.936.


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How to Cite

Sanabria Navarro, J. R., Silveira Pérez, Y., & Romero, Y. . (2024). Determining factors in the systematization of investigative pedagogical practice in physical education, recreation, sport, and sports administration. Retos, 61, 1439–1448.



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