Pedagogical practice of Physical Education teachers, systematic review according to the guidelines: PRISMA
Pedagogical Practices, Physical Education, Teaching, Assessment, Systematic reviewAbstract
This article aims to carry out a systematic review of the studies carried out on pedagogical practices in physical education in various contexts. Pedagogical practices in physical education are specifically addressed, as well as other scenarios where strategies for teaching this subject were applied. The review is based on the consultation of the Web of Science and Scopus-Elsevier databases, covering the last five years (2019-2023) in South America. From this review, articles were selected that detail training experiences aimed at stimulating pedagogical practices in various educational environments and levels. Systematic reviews were identified focusing on specific aspects such as training in values, reflective practices in evaluation and other contributions related to physical education. In terms of methodology, qualitative approaches prevailed, with the interview being the main instrument for collecting information. On the other hand, in quantitative methodologies, questionnaires (especially the Likert scale in the evaluation of competencies and self-efficacy) were the most used. The results obtained position Chile as a leader in research on this topic in the region. In conclusion, a trend is observed that indicates that the emphasis on the qualification of the teacher's pedagogical practices in physical education focuses mainly on their professional performance. This approach is justified by considering that it is from this point that the necessary competencies are developed to address current demands in the specific contexts of Latin America
Keywords: Pedagogical Practices, Physical Education, Teaching, Assessment, Systematic review.
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