Measuring Corporate Social Responsibility in sport organizations: scale development and validation, pilot study




clubes deportivos (sports clubs), Elaboración y validación de escalas (development and validation of scales), modelos de medición (measurement model), responsabilidad social corporativa (corporate social responsibility)


Corporate social responsibility seeks to respond to the needs of interest groups through guidelines and standards and provide a solution to the environmental, social, and economic impacts of companies to the environmental, social, and economic impacts of companies. Therefore, this research aimed to design and validate a measurement scale of Corporate Social Responsibility in sports organizations. The sample consisted of 140 leaders of Colombian sports leagues and clubs. The results of the exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis technique through Software R validated four dimensions: 1) corporate governance, 2) human capital, 3) external stakeholders, and 4) the Impact of CSR.The reliability of the questionnaire was obtained by Cronbach alpha coefficient (α =.901). The study contributes to the scientific knowledge on the psychometric properties of instruments and this is a reference for instruments and for further studies on corporate social responsibility in the sports sector. Finally, we provide a scale that researchers and the academic community can use. Also, has practical and theoretical implications for stakeholders. In conclusion, the questionnaire is valid, reliable, and robust, with adequate psychometric properties.

Keywords: Corporate Social Responsibility, Sports clubs, Development and validation of scales, Measurement model.

Author Biographies

Ingrid Fonseca , Universidad Pedagógica Nacional (Colombia)

Doctora en administración gerencial, magíster en administración deportiva, magíster
en educación superior, profesional en ciencias de la educación, miembro del GrupLAC
Ambientes de aprendizaje categoría A, con experiencia laboral en docencia universitaria en las
asignaturas de opción de grado, investigación en el énfasis y administración deportiva, aplicación y evaluación de proyectos de investigación en el campo

Carlos Cabanzo , Universidad Pedagógica Nacional (Colombia)

Magíster en Investigación Social Interdisciplinaria -Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas-; Especialista Entornos Virtuales-OEI y Virtual Educa-, Especialista en Investigación Consumo de alcohol y sustancias psicoactivas – Universidad de Sao Paulo, Brasil-. Politólogo Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Publicaciones en Responsabilidad social Universitaria; Percepciones y representaciones sociales (consumo de SPA, Ocio y tiempo libre). 


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How to Cite

Fonseca, I., Bernate, J., & Cabanzo, C. (2024). Measuring Corporate Social Responsibility in sport organizations: scale development and validation, pilot study. Retos, 53, 58–68.



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