Teaching english in elementary school: Strengthening vocabulary and pronunciation through podcast
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Educación básica
enseñanza de idiomas
pronunciación Basic education
language instruction

How to Cite

Fernández Sesma, M. G., Alvarez Flores, E. P., & Reyes Arias, K. (2023). Teaching english in elementary school: Strengthening vocabulary and pronunciation through podcast: [Teaching english in elementary school: Strengthening vocabulary and pronunciation through podcast]. Pi­xel-Bit. Media and Education Journal, 68, 245–272. https://doi.org/10.12795/pixelbit.100107


As part of the transformation process of education, technology has been employed to improve the quality of learning. This study evaluates an experimental program focused on using podcasts as support material outside the classroom to promote EFL students' learning of vocabulary and pronunciation. The investigation, through a mixed approach, used the Audiolingual method and the Natural Approach under a humanistic criterion. Participants were fifty-two first-grade Mexican students from a public state elementary school, aged six and seven, divided into an experimental group and a control group. To collect quantitative and qualitative data several techniques were applied: pretest, posttest, note-taking, and focus groups. Results revealed a significant improvement in pronunciation and vocabulary acquisition in the experimental group's students, significantly outperforming the control group's students. Among other relevant findings stand out an increase in boys and girls' abilities to work with technology, autonomy development, and students' positive attitudes toward participating in activities using podcasts to learn English.

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