Use of deep learning to analyze Facebook and Google classroom in the educational field
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educational technology
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tecnología educacional
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How to Cite

Salas-Rueda, R.-A. (2023). Use of deep learning to analyze Facebook and Google classroom in the educational field: [Use of deep learning to analyze Facebook and Google classroom in the educational field]. Pi­xel-Bit. Media and Education Journal, 67, 87–122.


The objective of this quantitative and qualitative study is to analyze the students' perceptions about the use of Facebook and Google classroom through deep learning and decision tree algorithms. The participants are 54 students (42 men and 12 women) from the Faculty of Sciences at the National Autonomous University of Mexico during the 2022 school year. In this study, the results of the deep learning algorithm indicate that Facebook and Google classroom positively influence the motivation and participation in the distance education. Likewise, the decision tree algorithm facilitated the identification of the predictive conditions about the use of these technological tools considering the characteristics of the students. In conclusion, teachers can use Facebook and Google classroom to encourage the creation of new school activities, promote the participation of the students from anywhere and motivate the participants during the distance learning.
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