A proposal for the evaluation of Digital Educational Resources through the longitudinal fsQCA methodology
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Aula invertida
recursos educativos digitales
resultado académico
fsQCA longitudinal
enseñanza superior Flipped classroom
digital educational resources
academic performance
longitudinal fsQCA
higher education

How to Cite

Mendaña-Cuervo, C., Remo-Diez, N., & López-González, E. (2024). A proposal for the evaluation of Digital Educational Resources through the longitudinal fsQCA methodology. Pi­xel-Bit. Media and Education Journal, (69), 195–226. https://doi.org/10.12795/pixelbit.100000


The use of Information and Communication Technologies in the teaching field has led to the proliferation of Digital Educational Resources (DERs) that seek to promote autonomous and asynchronous learning by students and, in turn, to improve academic results. However, in few cases the impact of these resources on the learning process was evaluated.

In this paper, the fsQCA methodology is proposed to establish the combinations of DERs that facilitate better student performance, as opposed to methodologies based on the study of the net effects of each resource. The work is complemented with an analysis for several academic years through the longitudinal fsQCA methodology, which facilitates an analysis over time, providing a dynamic view of the opportunity and relevance of the DERs. The results suggest that there is no single combination of DERs that leads to success, but rather that using these resources in different ways in combination allows students to achieve their academic goals, concluding that the methodology proposed can be useful for the evaluation of DERs regardless of their typology.

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