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INTRODUCTION. Within the European reality there are actions such as the Erasmus Plus initiative, the Ploteus Portal and the EURES network, which generate diverse academic and professional possibilities abroad. These initiatives increase the cultural and social exchange opportunities for young people, and boost their labour insertion opportunities in the European Union. Interviews, structured dialogues, websites, etc. have been highlighted amongst the instruments used by counsellors during guidance sessions regarding mobility opportunities. The European Project, “Guide My W@y” (Kreutzer & Iuga, 2016) proposes action strategies and resources for vocational career counsellors which can be used in interviews. Likewise the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) competencies has been encouraged. The main objective of these counselling tools is to provide guidance professionals from different fields (EURES Network, Euroguidance, Public Employment Services (PES), Universities...) with the support that they require. METHOD. This study has been carried out in four European countries (Germany, Spain, Poland and Czech Republic), it firstly uses a descriptive methodology to analyse the role of the interview as a guidance strategy which can be used by counsellors in youth mobility processes, and subsequently a guidance proposal, based predominantly on the counsellors’ use of the virtual interview process as an intervention tool has been drawn up. RESULTS. Among the tools used in the guidance practices for international youth mobility processes in the four analysed countries, particular focus has been placed on the use of real and virtual interviews, conducting a specific frequency assessment. Likewise the relevance of using a questionnaire as an evaluation tool has been emphasised. DISCUSSION. The interviews implemented by the counsellors by means of virtual and face-to-face dialogues during the intervention process have been considered as an appropriate counselling strategy, and one that is of great value during guidance sessions regarding international mobility. The level of use and the degree of importance placed on the interview process by counsellors have served as the basis for drawing up a virtual dialogue proposal which will enable all young people who are involved in mobility processes in Europe to receive support.
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Cómo citar
Sobrado Fernández, L. M., Fernández Rey, E., & García Murias, R. (2019). THE INTERVIEW AS GUIDANCE RESOURCE IN THE PROCESSES FOR YOUTH EUROPEAN MOBILITY. Bordón. Revista De Pedagogía, 71(1), 133–149.