Footprint and posturometry in Physical Education students of school age


  • Yeferson Gómez Ríos Universidad Católica de Oriente
  • Yovanny Londoño
  • Ayda Natalia Vallejo Osorio Universidad Católica de Oriente
  • Juan Pedro Fuente Garcia
  • Felipe Poblete-Valderrama
  • Carol Flores Rivera
  • Armando Monterrosa Quintero Universidad Surcolombiana



Foot arch, Posture; Body composition, Body mass index, schoolchildren


The footprint and body posture are important variables to consider in the physical and motor development of school populations, so the objective was to analyze the relationship between footprint and body posture in physical education students of school age. The number of participants was 33 students divided into 2 groups: girls (42.5%) and boys (57.5%). The Portland State University (PSU) method was used for postural evaluation, and the Hernandez Corvo Index (HCI) was used for the footprint. The main findings were that 10% of the population had flat feet, significant differences were found in terms of posture where females had higher values, approaching the ideal value of 85%. A significant moderate correlation (r=0.46; p≤0.05) was found between BMI and shoulder girdle. In conclusion, there were no significant correlations between the PSU method and the HCI, possibly due to the subjectivity of the PSU method. The study supports and advises the practice of physical activity as an important factor in the prevention of flat feet and postural deviations.

Keywords: foot arch, posture; body composition, body mass index, schoolchildren.

Author Biographies

Yeferson Gómez Ríos, Universidad Católica de Oriente

Licenciatura en Educación física Recreación y Deportes, Grupo SER-SICIDE, Universidad Católica de Oriente, Antioquia (Colombia).

Ayda Natalia Vallejo Osorio, Universidad Católica de Oriente

Facultad de Ciencias de la educación, Universidad Católica de Oriente, Rionegro, Antioquia (Colombia).

Armando Monterrosa Quintero, Universidad Surcolombiana

Licenciatura en Educación Fisica, Recreación y Deportes, Universidad Surcolombiana, Neiva.


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How to Cite

Gómez Ríos, Y. ., Londoño, Y. ., Vallejo Osorio, A. N. ., Fuente Garcia, J. P. ., Poblete-Valderrama, F. ., Flores Rivera, C. ., & Monterrosa Quintero, A. (2023). Footprint and posturometry in Physical Education students of school age. Retos, 49, 408–413.



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