Role of physical self-concept, achievement motivation and attitudes towards Physical Education according to the sex
Autoconcepto, Motivación, Actitud del estudiante, Educación secundaria, Educación FísicaAbstract
This research provides the results of a set of socio-emotional variables regarding the global esteem of secondary school students in Physical Education class (N=279). The study analyzed physical self-concept, achievement motivation and attitude towards Physical Education, both at a general level and in its differences by sex. In order to quantify the effect of the incorporation of the different variables, comparative analyzes and multiple regression models were carried out, using the method of successive steps or step wise. The results show that there are statistically significant differences in the female sex in dimensions such as anxiety or overwhelm in the face of failure and the perceived difficulty towards Physical Education. On the other hand, men stand out in dimensions related to global physical condition, global esteem, commitment to learning and preference for Physical Education. In the same way, the general results of the model allow us to infer that 67.3% of the variance of Global Esteem can be explained by the variables incorporated in the model, highlighting the positive impact of appearance, perceived competence, commitment to learning, strength and the negative role of anxiety or overwhelm in the face of failure.
Keywords: Selfconcept; motivation; student attitude; secondary education; Physical education
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