hysical activity in people with Down Syndrome



Physical capacities, inclusion, people with disabilities, exercise program, eurofit


Being physically active contributes to the physical, emotional and social well-being of the population. People with disabilities are characterized by a lack of habitual physical activity that affects their autonomy and health. This research aims to identify the impact of a physical activity program in young people with Down Syndrome. Twenty-six young people (12 women) between 12 and 27 years old (M = 18, DE = 4.35) participated. Participants completed the Eurofit battery, considering the results, a program was developed and implemented with 20 sessions of 45 minutes each, after which participants. Wilcoxon signed rank tests show significant differences between the pre- and post-test in abdominal strength (Median 1= 10.50 vs Median 2= 19.50 sit-ups per minute), p=.002; power in lower limbs, (Median 1= 77.00 vs Median 2 = 85.00 cm), p<.021, flexibility (Median 1=10.50 vs Median 2= 14.50 cm), p<.001; right upper limb speed (Median 1 = 34.73 vs Median 2 = 31.40) p=.010 and speed (Median 1= 4.36 vs Median 2= 3.62 seconds/10m), p< .001. We conclude that the application of a specific program improves physical abilities in young people with Syndrome Down.

Keywords: physical capacities; inclusion; people with disabilities; exercise program, Eurofit.


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How to Cite

Benavides Pando, E. V., Delgado Valles, C., Ornelas Contreras, M., & Jiménez Lira, C. (2023). hysical activity in people with Down Syndrome . Retos, 50, 415–420. Retrieved from https://recyt.fecyt.es/index.php/retos/article/view/94542



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