Negative emotions of Secondary school students in learning basketball in Physical Education
basketball, physical education, emotions, gender, sports cultureAbstract
The study of emotions in Physical Education is becoming more frequent and is due to the affective turn that is being developed in the educational field. The objective of this research was to analyze the perception and attribution of students on negative emotions for subjective well-being during the practice of basketball in physical education, according to the type of motor task, gender and educational center. The research approach is qualitative, with an interpretative and phenomenological design. 20 female students and 24 male students from two educational centers in the city of Madrid participated. For data collection, semi-structured interviews and personal diaries were used. The data obtained were subjected to a deductive-inductive content analysis with the Atlas.ti 7.5 computer program. The results show 18 codes or emotional attributions, which include meanings about negative emotions such as anger, shame, boredom, anguish, nervousness, fear, insecurity, sadness and frustration. According to the type of motor task and gender, codes on sports competition stood out. Depending on the educational center, they highlighted codes around the sports experience. It is concluded that, to promote the subjective well-being of students in basketball practices in physical education, it could be appropriate to evaluate emotions, apply adaptive teaching and innovate with alternative models of sports teaching.
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