Impact of teaching strategies applied in physical education in educational institutions in Monteria, Colombia




Didactics, Physical education, Teaching process, Teaching methodology, Didactic planning, Measuring didactics in pedagogical practice


Physical education didactics focuses on how this subject is taught and learned, being crucial to maximizing its effectiveness in the classroom from its physical benefits, its impact on emotional and social well-being. The objective of this research has been to analyze the impact on physical education teaching strategies in educational institutions in Monteria Córdoba, Colombia. The methodology focuses on the positive paradigm, through the application of a measurement instrument of eight independent variables with 20 indicators, and a dependent variable with four indicators. The sample is composed of 244 students from five high school educational institutions, representing 81% of the population studied. With Cronbach’s Alpha equal to 0.877, using SPSS 28.0, the scale was reliable. The results were extracted from five statistical analyses to corroborate the eight established hypotheses, descriptive statistics, factor analysis, ROC Curve, Linear Regression and structural equations. The discussion of the results included a meta-analysis of articles on teaching in physical education in the journal Retos, to demonstrate the contributions of this study with the previous ones. Of the eight hypotheses, two of them are partially fulfilled, one is not fulfilled, and the rest are fully fulfilled. The main conclusions are that the evaluation of the teaching process, measurement of teaching in pedagogical practice and the Teaching Process, have a positive impact on the teaching strategies of physical education in educational institutions studied.

Author Biographies

José Ramón Sanabria Navarro , Universidad de Córdoba

Professor at the University of Córdoba, Colombia. PhD in Sports Sciences, he has vast experience in the area of ​​physical culture, sport and sports administration. His publications address topics on sports administration, physical education, research methodology in physical education, knowledge management in high-performance institutions, among others. His current interests include the methodology of sports training, the circular economy in sport, social responsibility, e-sport, high-performance sport and public policies oriented to sports performance., 0000-0001-9565-3415

Yahilina Silveira Pérez , Universidad de Sucre

Professor at the University of Sucre, Colombia. PhD in Economic Sciences, she specializes in multidisciplinary publications on sports entrepreneurship, sports economics, sports tourism, impacts of migration in sports, sports marketing, supply chain, international economics, tourism management, economic growth and development., 0000-0002-1536-9287

Sol Jashmed Herrera Naranjo , Universidad de Córdoba

Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages ​​at the University of Córdoba, Master in Teaching and Learning English from the University of Liverpool in the United Kingdom, PhD in Cognitive Sciences, with Magna Cum Lauden recognition for her doctoral thesis, carried out at the Autonomous University of Manizales (UAM).


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How to Cite

Sanabria Navarro, J. R. ., Silveira Pérez, Y., & Herrera Naranjo, S. J. (2024). Impact of teaching strategies applied in physical education in educational institutions in Monteria, Colombia. Retos, 61, 1351–1361.



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