Flipped learning model enriched with gamification educational platforms for learning geometry
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Flipped Learning
educación matemática
geometría Flipped Learning
Mathematics education

How to Cite

Moral-Sánchez, S. N., Sánchez Compaña, M. T., & Sánchez-Cruzado, C. (2022). Flipped learning model enriched with gamification educational platforms for learning geometry: [Flipped learning model enriched with gamification educational platforms for learning geometry]. Pi­xel-Bit. Media and Education Journal, 65, 149–182. https://doi.org/10.12795/pixelbit.93538


The proposal of this study is to show the improvement produced using the Flipped Learning model, in combination with gamification techniques, in a secondary school geometry classroom, considering an action-research framework. The research was carried out during two academic years, with the same class group. It was started from a traditional model in an initial stage. It was continued to an intermediate stage in which a Flipped Learning model was implemented. Finally, the model was improved with an educational platform that integrated gamification elements (Classcraft). The evidences were analysed from the cognitive dimension, the social dimension and the motivational dimension, to compare the results of each stage. The improvements are produced sequentially from the initial stage. The best results are achieved in terms of academic performance, participation and motivation of students, social interaction and attention to diversity in the last stage.

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