The effect of the virtual Flipped Classroom on the academic writing: self-perception of university students
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Métricas alternativas


Flipped Classroom
academic writing
digital resources
pedagogical innovation
e-learning Aula invertida
escritura académica
recursos digitales
innovación pedagógica
educación virtual

How to Cite

Chura Quispe, G., García Castro, R. A., Llapa Medina, M. P., & Salamanca Chura, E. C. (2022). The effect of the virtual Flipped Classroom on the academic writing: self-perception of university students: [The effect of the virtual Flipped Classroom on the academic writing: self-perception of university students]. Pi­xel-Bit. Media and Education Journal, 65, 121–148.


The development of academic writing competence in higher education students has presented numerous difficulties during virtual education due to the scarce application of emerging methodologies. For this reason, the present research aims to evaluate the effectiveness of the virtual Flipped Classroom (FC) methodology in the development of academic writing competences from the student perspective. The focus of the study was quantitative, with a quasi-experimental design (with a pre- and post-test in two groups). The "Self-perception of Academic Writing Skills" questionnaire was administered to 113 undergraduate university students from different disciplines (experimental group=57; control group=56) selected in a non-probabilistic, purposive manner. The results show that the experimental group increased the high level of writing from 12.28% to 66.67% while the control group increased from 16.07% to 44.64%. These differences are significant and of medium magnitude (p < .05; Δ2 > .50), the same is true for the dimensions of literature review, basic knowledge of scientific writing, importance of research, language skills and citation and referencing norms. Therefore, it is concluded that the FC methodology is effective in improving academic writing in the virtual and multidisciplinary university context.
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