Social inclusion and life satisfaction of care leavers
residential care, care leavers, transition into adulthood, social inclusion, life satisfactionAbstract
The need to accord attention to care leavers has gained recognition in legislative terms, given that research has proven that this group faces a high risk of social exclusion. The aim of this article is to deepen knowledge of social inclusion and life satisfaction of youngsters who abandoned residential care resources and reached the age of majority. For that purpose, phone interviews were conducted to 117 youngsters who had formerly been provided with residential care and were between 18 and 26 years old at the time of the survey. The outcome showed that the majority returns to their families, which are their main source of support.
On the other side, it has been proved that this group of people present low qualifications, employability and incomes. Moreover, their life satisfaction is also very low. The results are discussed with regards to previous research and legislative initiatives which are implemented in order to cater for this group
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