Study on the academic future of second-generation immigrants in Setubal and Faro (Portugal)


  • Vicente J. Llorent Fac. de CC. de la Educación Avda. S. Alberto Magno s/n Universidad de Córdoba 14004 Córdoba 957212585
  • Vicente Llorent-Bedmar Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación. Departamento de Teoría e Historia de la Educación y Pedagogía Social. C/ Pirotecnia s/n 41013 Sevilla
  • José-Manuel Mata-Justo Universidade Lusíada de Lisboa (Portugal) Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais Instituto superior de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação Rua da Junqueira, n.º 188 – 198, 1349 – 001 Lisboa (Portugal) 00+351+965090975



Secundary education, second-generation migrant, expectations, Portugal, inclusion, integration, Portuguese-speaking Africa


The research focuses on the Luso-African secondary school pupils studying in two of the Portuguese cities with the largest number of immigrants (Setúbal and Faro). Especially this cities, according to the latest data offered in Portugal by the National Institute of Statistics, in the near future these young people constitute the majority of the school population in many schools in the country and at the same time, a large portion of them will help to raise and high rates of dropout and failure. In order to facilitate the social inclusion of these students wanted to determine their expectations of their school career, taking into account social, family, economic, educational and school aspects.

After a relevant documentary study, we conducted a data collection based on the in situ observation and a vertebrate of questionnaire scales in seven groups: characteristics of their parents, school career, self-esteem, motivation to continue studying, expectations about the future professional, characterization and evaluation of the school context, and expectations after high school. Thus, variables relate concerning their social and family situation, your school career and social integration with their future prospects. Following the interpretation and analysis of the extracted data, among other findings, we argue that the most influential in the expectations of the Luso- African students who complete their secondary education factor is the interest of parents in the education of children

In order to facilitate the inclusion of socio students involved in migration processes, we aim to determine their expectations about their school. Especially because, according to latest data provided by the National Institute of Statistics in Portugal, in the near future these young people constitute the majority of the school population in many centers in that country and at the same time, much of it will help raise the actual high dropout and failure rates. Through our research we gather information from all the Luso-African secondary schools in two cities with the largest number of Portuguese immigrants (Setúbal and Faro). Data collection was performed using a questionnaire developed, aimed at the students of Portuguese-speaking Africa and was divided into seven major groups of scales: characteristics of parents, school career, self-motivation to continue studying, professional expectations about the future, characterization and evaluation of the school setting, and characterization of expectations after secondary school. The extracted data includes social, familial, economic, educational and school children of immigrants, called second-generation immigrants or Luso-Africans. Thus, we find relations between their prospects and their social and family situation variables that influence school and their school and their social integration. After interpretation and analysis of extracted data, we conclude that the most influential factor in expectations, with the Luso-African students who complete their secondary school studies, is the interest of the parents regarding the formation of the children.


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Author Biographies

Vicente J. Llorent , Fac. de CC. de la Educación Avda. S. Alberto Magno s/n Universidad de Córdoba 14004 Córdoba 957212585

Vicente J. Llorent García, Doctor en Pedagogía por la Universidad de Sevilla. Licenciado en Ciencias de la Educación con el Primer Premio Nacional concedido por el Ministerio de Educación. Profesor de la Universidad de Córdoba (España). Coordinador del Grupo Docente sobre Educación, Diversidad, TIC y Sociedad. Miembro del Grupo de Investigación “Educación, Diversidad y Sociedad”. Imparte clases sobre Planificación, Innovación, Currículum y Atención Educativa a la Diversidad. Desarrolla publicaciones e investigaciones a nivel nacional (con diferentes universidades e instituciones públicas) y a nivel internacional (Brasil, Holanda, Marruecos, México, Noruega, Portugal, Turquía, Venezuela…).

Vicente Llorent-Bedmar , Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación. Departamento de Teoría e Historia de la Educación y Pedagogía Social. C/ Pirotecnia s/n 41013 Sevilla

Doctor en Pedagogía. Past-Presidente de la Sociedad Española de Educación Comparada (1988). Vice-presidente de UNICEF-Andalucía (2003-05). Profesor de la Universidad de Sevilla en el Departamento de Teoría e Historia de la Educación y Pedagogía Social. Director de Investigación del Grupo de Educación Comparadaen Sevilla. Ha dirigido diferentes proyectosde excelencia con el apoyo de las autoridades nacionales, regionales y locales, públicas y privadas. Su docencia se centra en Educación Comparada y Sociedades Multiculturales. Investigador: Las mujeres y las religiones, y la Sociedad, familia y educación.

José-Manuel Mata-Justo , Universidade Lusíada de Lisboa (Portugal) Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais Instituto superior de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação Rua da Junqueira, n.º 188 – 198, 1349 – 001 Lisboa (Portugal) 00+351+965090975

Master en Supervisión Pedagógica por la Universidad de Évora, (Portugal),Licenciado en Biología Rama en Educación en la formación del profesorado.Profesor de la Universidad Lusíada de Lisboa (Portugal). Coordinador del Grupo Docente sobre Educación, Matemática e Artes visuales; Coordinador del grupo de Didáctica y Organización escolar. Imparte clases sobre Planificación Curricular y Organización Escolar.Desarrolla publicaciones e investigaciones a nivel nacional en Portugal, en Revistas Portuguesas en la Universidad Lusíada e Instituto Superior de Ciencias del Trabajo.A nivel internacional publica en las revistas de Brasil, España, Francia...


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