Benefits and risks of endurance running in veteran runners. A critical analysis
Runners, veterans, race, endurance, athletesAbstract
In recent years there has been a great increase in the practice of endurance sports such as long-distance running, cycling, triathlon, etc., practiced mainly by adults between 35 and 55 years of age. The majority of this population has not practiced sports before and is associated with habits that are harmful to health. They face this practice without any prior study and if prescribed by professionals, this being a risk with undesirable consequences. In this article, the profile of this type of brokers and their characteristics, benefits and risks are determined. Competition should be an expendable consequence of the love of endurance running as an instrument to improve health, however, when competition is the cause of adherence to this sport, the runner may be exposed to risks even in the psychosocial.
Keywords: Runners, veterans, risk, endurance.
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