Physical activity, body image and psychological well-being in Mexican university students
Physical activity habits, body image, self-acceptance, personal growth, SEM.Abstract
Psychological well-being, body image and physical activity are three constructs of great importance, because of the effect on different areas of university students’ life. Therefore, the main objective of this study was to examine the effect of regular practice of physical activity and body image on the perception of psychological well-being in Mexican university students through a structural equation model. A total of 900 Mexican university students (509 women and 391 men) between the ages of 18 and 26 completed the International Physical Activity Questionnaire and the reduced versions of the Ryff Multidimensional Body Self Relations Questionnaire and Psychological Well-being questionnaires. The results of the structural equation model showed that gender and the practice of physical activity, through the subjective importance of physical form and appearance, have a positive indirect effect on the perception of psychological well-being in the self-acceptance dimension and this in turn has a direct positive effect on personal growth. The proposed model obtains a satisfactory fit, explaining 48% of the variance in the perception of psychological well-being in the personal growth dimension (criterion variable), which seems to reveal the importance of the set of variables in the prediction/explanation of psychological well-being of university students and, consequently, the need to include their optimization and development in school curricula.
Keywords: Physical activity habits, body image, self-acceptance, personal growth, SEM.
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