Creative sustainable development goal-based physical-artistic Project: “La voz del rehén”


  • Silvia Lorente-Echevarría Universidad de Zaragoza
  • Berta Murillo-Pardo
  • Ana Corral-Abós
  • Inma Canales-Lacruz
  • Natalia Larraz-Rábanos



group creation; physical education; pre-service teachers; higher education; creativity; interdisciplinarity; Sustainable Development Goals


This article assesses the effects on creativity of an interdisciplinary creative acrosport programme, called “La voz del rehén”, which is based on the sustainable development goals. The simple comprised 53 individuals -32 men and 21 women- with an average age of 21,82±3,49, all of whom were studying a Primary Education Teacher Training Degree at Zaragoza University (Spain). It was a pre-experimental study, with no control group, with measures before and after the programme. The creative assessment instrument was the Prueba de Imaginación Creativa para Adultos –PIC-A– [Creative Imagination Test for Adults]. A Student’s t-test and ANOVA test were performed to discover significan differences in pre- and post- programme. Version 26 of the IBM SPSS program was used. Results showed that: i) participants obteined significant improvements in total score; ii) participants obteined significant improvements in fantasy and narrative creativity –fluency, flexibility and originality–; iii) participants did not obtein- significant improvements in graphic creativity. These studies confirm the importance of incorporating interdisciplinary creativity programmes into the university system and Sustainable Development Goals –SDG– as a learning aproach.


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How to Cite

Lorente-Echevarría, S., Murillo-Pardo, B., Corral-Abós, A., Canales-Lacruz, I., & Larraz-Rábanos, N. (2022). Creative sustainable development goal-based physical-artistic Project: “La voz del rehén”. Retos, 43, 944–953.



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