Development of competencies in physical education teachers in training through the inclusion of adventure education programs in Mexico
Physical education, adventure education, physical activities in the natural environment, didactic sequence, pedagogy and didacticAbstract
The purpose of this study was to identify the professional competencies developed by physical education teachers in training, during the application of outdoor activities. Method, a case study, participated were nine undergraduate students in physical education, two of them had previous experiences in outdoor activities. A didactic sequence based on the Adventure Education methodology was used. Data was collected by video recording, and the analysis of the data obtained was processed by the elements of grounded theory through the Atlas Ti software. The results showed four professional competencies favored during the application of the didactic sequence: 1) teamwork and leadership, 2) conceptual domain of Adventure Education, 3) technical domain of recreational outdoor activities, and 4) pedagogy and didactics of the physical education in outdoor activities; additionally, it was found that males participated more than females during the activities. It was also possible to identify competencies that were not considered in the academic planning of teachers, leading to the conclusion that Adventure Education programs can strengthen the training of physical education students.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Ramón Alfonso González-Rivas, María Del Carmen Zueck Enríquez, Antonio Baena-Extremera, Rigoberto Marín Uribe, Ma. Concepción Soto Valenzuela, Hugo Eduardo Irigoyen Gutiérrez
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