Assembly functioning as consensus mechanisms in the process of group creation
artistic creation; teamwork; physical education; initial training; higher education; social interactionAbstract
This article outlines the factors of social interaction that facilitate and hamper the process of group creation in an interdisciplinary acrosport project based on sustainable development goals called “The hostage voice”. The sample consisted of 65 students –36 men and 29 women– with an average age of 21.42±1.69 from the physical education module of the of Primary Education Bachelor at the Faculty of Education of the University of Zaragoza -Spain-. Each creation group designed and showed an acrosport proposal based on the sustainable development goals, which was elaborated during the course of three subjects of the mentioned module -physical activities of opposition-collaboration; individual physical activities; and artistic-expressive physical activities-. Data regarding the social interaction triggered by the group creation process was collected through reports filled out by each group. Later, the content analysis of these reports was carried out. For the analysis of the data, the software NVIVO 11 was used. The results showed that: a) the assembly discussion is the main mechanism used for collective consensus, b) the group commitment favours the processes of creation.
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