Implementation of an urban bicycling programme in Chilean university students
Urban cycling, Physical activity, security, University studentsAbstract
The use of the bicycle as an active means of transport is a way of increasing people's time for physical activity and should therefore be promoted in educational and work contexts. The aim of this research was to evaluate the effectiveness of the urban cycling programme in a sample of 63 university subjects (n=63), 31 women and 32 men, using standardised instruments with pre- and post-intervention measures of a theoretical-practical nature. The instruments considered conceptual and attitudinal aspects, self-perception of skills, and self-assessment of physical condition. The results showed statistically significant differences (p ≤0,05) in all the measurements made. In test 1 (traffic rules and cycling behaviour; in test 2 (BPNES), 0.0057; and in test 3 (IFIS), 0.0113 which means that the urban intervention programme is an effective method to increase knowledge, skills and improve physical condition in the university students who participated in the experience.
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