Visual Interaction and Internal Logic when Performing Corporal Expression Exercises
Dance; physical education; perception; corporal expression; and social interactionAbstract
The objective of this work was to identify statistically significant differences between the comfort and discomfort of the student with regards to visual interaction and the type of corporal expression exercise, in accordance with the student’s internal logic. Thirty individuals took part in the project; 13 men and 17 women. The average age of the group was 23.26±1.22. All the participants were from the artistic-expression physical activities class which is part of the physical education course of the primary school teacher training degree offered by the University of Zaragoza (Spain). Associations between the comfort/discomfort caused by visual interaction according to the six types of body expression tasks were analyzed by chi-square using SPSS 26 .These perceptions of comfort/discomfort were coded from the students' diaries. Students kept a diary with comments on the 13 practical sessions. Results showed significant differences between comfort/discomfort in accordance with: a) the type of activity - Type 4 (visual presence/being observed by one person/having to improvise) and type 5 activities (visual presence/being observed by a number of people/having to improvise) were associated with discomfort, Type 6 activities (visual presence/being observed by a number of people/having time to prepare) were associated with comfort; b) visual interaction - the role of the observer was linked with comfort, being observed was linked with discomfort; c) preparation time - having to improvise was linked to discomfort, having preparation time was linked to comfort; and, d) the number of observers – being observed by a number of people was linked to comfort, being observed by only one person was linked to discomfort. This research allows for the identification of the positive and negative feelings of the students in relation to the exercises and activities in which they are asked to participate and this information can be used to develop strategies to improve the teaching-learning process.
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