The effect of ideal body mass index and physical fitness level on dysmenorrhea reduction
body mass index, physical fitness, dysmenorrhea, menstrual pain, women’s healthAbstract
Many women experience dysmenorrhea, which affects their daily activities due to physical and psychological symptoms. This study aims to analyze the impact of an ideal body mass index (BMI) and physical fitness level on reducing dysmenorrhea. An experimental research approach with a control group pretest-posttest design was employed. The study involved 92 female students, with a final sample of 80 divided into high and low-fitness groups. Participants were selected through purposive sampling, ensuring they had an ideal BMI, regular menstrual cycles, and experienced dysmenorrhea. Data collection included questionnaires on demographics, BMI, menstrual characteristics, pain intensity, pain quality, and a 2.400 m Cooper physical fitness test. The results revealed that participants with an ideal BMI and high physical fitness showed a significant reduction in dysmenorrhea, with an average decrease of 35,95 and a standard deviation of 4,681. Those with an ideal BMI but low physical fitness also experienced a reduction, with an average decrease of 31,4 and a standard deviation of 1,827. The study concludes that ideal BMI and physical fitness significantly influence the reduction of dysmenorrhea, with a more pronounced effect in those with higher physical fitness levels. Factors such as BMI, diet, and exercise routine are critical in managing dysmenorrhea.
Keywords: body mass index, physical fitness, dysmenorrhea, menstrual pain, women’s health
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