Psychological resilience and performance under pressure: a study of elite badminton players - a systematic review


  • Riky Dwihandaka Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
  • Fadli Ihsan Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
  • Sigit Nugroho Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
  • Zhanneta Kozina H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University
  • Rezha Arzhan Hidayat Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta



Psychological Resilience, Sport Performance, Elite Badminton Players, Psychological Stress, Systematic Review



Psychological resilience is a critical factor influencing athlete performance in many sports, including badminton. This study aims to systematically review the existing literature to understand the relationship between psychological resilience and elite badminton athlete performance. The research background details the importance of psychological factors in the context of sport, particularly under competitive pressure. Focusing on elite badminton players, the study aimed to identify consistency and variation in previous research findings and detail the practical implications for athlete training and coaching. Research materials and methods included a systematic design with explicit inclusion and exclusion criteria. A thorough literature search was conducted to identify relevant studies that met the inclusion criteria. A careful study selection process was completed, and data were extracted for systematic analysis. Data analysis methods used included synthesizing findings from multiple studies, potentially using meta-analysis where appropriate. The results present the main findings regarding the relationship between psychological resilience and the performance of elite badminton athletes. The analysis of findings from multiple studies highlights the consistency in this relationship while acknowledging the variation that may occur due to differences in competitive context and athlete characteristics. The practical implications of these findings are explained in the context of training and coaching badminton athletes to enhance their psychological resilience under competitive pressure.The research conclusions highlight the vital contribution of this study to understanding psychological factors in badminton. This research provides a foundation for developing more effective training strategies and coaching of athletes that can enhance their psychological resilience, thereby improving their performance at the elite level. As such, this study provides scientific insights and practical guidance for the potential development of elite badminton athletes under competitive pressure.


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How to Cite

Dwihandaka, R. ., Ihsan, F., Nugroho, S. ., Kozina, Z., & Arzhan Hidayat, R. . (2024). Psychological resilience and performance under pressure: a study of elite badminton players - a systematic review. Retos, 62, 110–121.



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