Bibliometric analysis of artificial intelligence in sport




Artificial intelligence, sports training, modern sport, bibliometric analysis, ARA methodology


The bibliometric analysis of artificial intelligence (AI) in sports reveals a growing trend in the research and application of this technology in this social phenomenon. In the last decade, there has been a significant increase in the number of scientific publications related to artificial intelligence and sports, indicating great interest in the topic. The objective of this research was to bibliometrically analyze the elements of artificial intelligence in sports. The methodology used was hermeneutics and the analysis of three fundamental components Authors, Journals and Contributions (ARA) proposed by the authors for the bibliometric review. 1002 scientific articles belonging to the Scopus (825), Science Direct (172) and Mendeley (5) databases were analyzed. Two criteria were taken as inclusion criteria in the research: all had to be scientific articles, in Spanish and English. The main results are based on the identification of the main authors, journals and contributions that enhance AI in sport, taking into account the new methodologies and trends of the above. In conclusion, AI in sports is defined as a tool that corrects errors, helps decision-making, enhances new sports training and competition strategies, helps prevent sports injuries, study opponents and enhance scenarios. high quality sports.

Keywords: Artificial intelligence, sports training, modern sport, bibliometric analysis, ARA methodology.

Author Biographies

José Ramón Sanabria Navarro , Universidad de Córdoba

José Ramón Sanabria Navarro* profesor de la Universidad de Córdoba, en Colombia. Doctor en Ciencias del Deporte,, 0000-0001-9565-3415

William Alejandro Niebles Núñez , Universidad de Sucre

PhD. Docente de planta de la Universidad de Sucre. Decano Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Administrativas.

Yahilina Silveira Pérez , Universidad de Sucre

Profesora de planta de la Universidad de Sucre, Colombia. Doctora en Ciencias económicas,, 0000-0002-1536-9287 


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How to Cite

Sanabria Navarro, J. R., Niebles Núñez, W. A., & Silveira Pérez, Y. (2024). Bibliometric analysis of artificial intelligence in sport. Retos, 54, 312–319.



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