Influence of covid-19 infection on the physical-emotional state of the elderly
personas mayores, covid-19; salud mental,calidad de vida, actividad física.Abstract
The research on older adults and their experience during the pandemic, considering whether they have contracted COVID-19 or not, is limited. For this reason, this study aimed to examine the physical and emotional dimensions of older adults in the context of the pandemic, considering their history of virus infection. To carry out this analysis, we employed the Subjective Happiness Scale (SHS), the Gratitude Questionnaire (CG-6), the Short Form Health Survey (SF-12), the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS), the Visual Analog Scale for Pain Assessment (VAS), the Sleep Quality Scale (CS), and the Self-Reported Physical Activity Scale (FAF).This study was based on a sample of 71 individuals aged between 55 and 75 years (M= 63.07 years; SD= 5.49). The findings revealed that older adults who had previously been infected by the virus exhibited better mental health compared to their non-infected counterparts (p = .049, d = 0.48). Additionally, this group showed a higher tendency to engage in regular physical activities (p = .042; Phi = .250) and experienced an improved quality of life. However, it is noteworthy that stress and happiness levels in both groups were comparable, regardless of whether they had been exposed to the virus or not. In summary, this study suggests that older adults who had overcome COVID-19 infection demonstrated better outcomes in certain indicators of their physical and emotional well-being compared to those who had not been exposed to the virus.
Keywords: older people, covid-19; mental health, quality of life, physical activity.
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