Use and abuse of social media by adolescents: a study in Mexico
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Valencia Ortiz, R., & Castaño Garrido, C. (2018). Use and abuse of social media by adolescents: a study in Mexico. Pixel-Bit. Revista De Medios Y Educación, (54), 7–28.


The abusive and problematic use of a variety of technologies has led to the development of research focusing on the study of addiction to such technologies and the consequences this brings. Therefore, some studies have focused on the Internet and its relationship with physicalbiological, social and family problems. This research sought to examine the extent of addiction of young Mexicans to online social media networks by adapting the Sahin scale (“Social Media Addiction Scale-Student Form”). In addition, we analyzed the existence of differentiated responses in terms of gender in the sample used, which consisted of 605 high school students (296 men and 309 women). The results indicate that students do not perceive themselves as addicted to online social media networks. In other aspects, there are no meaningful differences in registered responses due to the gender of the participant. These findings should be considered within their limitations related to the characteristics of the sample and the fact that the students’ selfperceptions
were examined
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