The Effect of Sports Modifications and Mini Games to improve students' physical fitness in the Adaptive Physical Education Course
sports and game modifications; student physical fitnessAbstract
This study aims to determine whether there is an effect of sports and game modifications in improving students’ physical fitness. This type of research is quantitative research with an experimental model. The population in this study were students taking adaptive physical education course in July – December 2022 semester. The sampling technique used a census technique with a total of 90 students. Furthermore, the t-test is used for data analysis. Based on the test results with different samples, it is shown that the physical fitness variable in the pretest value of the experimental group and the control group has a t-value of 1.048 and a significance value of 0.204 > 0.05, indicating that there is no significant difference between the average value of the experimental group's pretest results and the control group's pretest results on physical fitness variables. Meanwhile, the post-test scores for the experimental group and the control group had a t-value of 7.69 and a significance value of 0.000, indicating that there was a significant difference in the physical fitness variable between the average post-test results for the experimental group and the posttest results for the control group. Based on the study's findings, it is possible to conclude that sports and game modifications have a significant impact on increasing students’ physical fitness.
Keywords: sports and game modifications; physical fitness level
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