Evaluation of learning to learn competence in Colombian university students of Bachelor's Degree in Sports: an exploratory study





learning, assesment, cognitive process, affectivity and feeling, vocation training


 One of the most important processes in university students refers to their learning competence. Therefore, the learning to learn competence was evaluated in university students of the Bachelor's Degree in Sports of the National Pedagogical University of Colombia. A total of 182 students voluntarily participated in the study. The participants completed the CECAPEU questionnaire and the results were analyzed in relation to grouped age, semester completed, academic average, sex and sports experience. The findings showed that in response to grouped age there are differences for the cognitive dimension (p=0.03), metacognitive dimension (p=0.04) and affective and motivational dimension (p=0.04). In response to the semester attended, differences were found for the cognitive dimension (p=0.01), metacognitive dimension (p=0.04) and affective and motivational dimension (p=0.04). In relation to the academic average, differences were only found for the ethical dimension (p=0.049). In response to gender, the mean of the ethical dimension (p=0.01) of male students is lower than that of female students. Finally, no differences were found in response to sport experience. The present findings reaffirm the importance of stimulating these competencies in a balanced manner, given that the study demonstrates differences in their development. In view of the above, it would be advisable to highlight the interest in developing new research that evaluates the competence of learning to learn in different professional careers, seeking to contribute from two perspectives: a general one focused on teacher training and a specific one supported by the development of research that focuses on sport as an object of study in higher education institutions.

Keywords: learning, assessment, cognitive process, affectivity and feeling, vocational training


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How to Cite

Becerra Patiño, B. A., & Escorcia-Clavijo, J. B. . (2023). Evaluation of learning to learn competence in Colombian university students of Bachelor’s Degree in Sports: an exploratory study. Retos, 48, 1019–1030. https://doi.org/10.47197/retos.v48.97412



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