Self-perception of the level of achievement of the Disciplinary and Pedagogical Standards in physical edu-cation students of two universities in Santiago de Chile
estándar, pedagógicos, disciplinarios, educación física.Abstract
The present research aimed to determine the psychometric properties of the Self-perception Scale of the level of achievement on disciplinary standards in Physical Education and the Self-perception Scale of the level of achievement on pedagogical standards and to describe results in a sample of university students. Methodology: it was quantitative, not experimental cross-sectional. The sample consisted of 305 students of physical education pedagogy from two universities in Santiago de Chile. The results show good rates of validity and reliability for both the Scale of Disciplinary Standards of Physical Education with three dimensions and the Scale of Pedagogical Standards with three dimensions. It can also be observed that there are differences by course, where students who attend the last year are presented with greater confidence for both disciplinary and pedagogical knowledge. Regarding the comparison by sex, women have higher levels of self-perception of achievement. It is concluded that the instruments can be used to generate diagnoses and remedial in the students in relation to disciplinary and pedagogical knowledge. These variables should be investigated and their relationship with educational models, programs and curricula according to study house.
Keywords: standard, pedagogical, disciplinary, physical education.
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