A year away from virtual classes in the physical education career: a comparison Chile and Mexico


  • Elizabeth Flores Ferro Universidad Católica Silva Henríquez (Chile)
  • Fernando Maureira Cid Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educación
  • Marcelo Hadweh Briceño Universidad SEK
  • Omar Gavotto Nogales Universidad de Sonora
  • Socorro Alonso Gutiérrez Duarte
  • Jorge Vergara Jiménez
  • Sebastián Mandujano Jara




satisfaction, virtual classes, physical education, physical culture


Student satisfaction is defined as the well-being experienced by students by feeling their academic expectations met as a result of the institution’s activities to meet their educational needs. The objective of this study was to compare the satisfaction levels of physical education students in Chile with those with a degree in physical culture and sport in Mexico. The methodology was quantitative, not experimental cross-sectional and an adaptation of the Recio and Cabero satisfaction scale was used. The sample consisted of a total of 491 students, of whom 260 were from Chile and 231 from Mexico. The main results show a greater satisfaction of the virtual classes of both the theoretical chairs and practices (sports) by the Mexican students. It is concluded that it is necessary to advance in investigations that investigate new virtual methodologies and it is also necessary to deepen for the reasons that the students of Mexico have a greater satisfaction, if it is proper to the technological resources, or greater levels of flexibility in the face of change.


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How to Cite

Flores Ferro, E., Maureira Cid, F., Hadweh Briceño, M., Gavotto Nogales, O., Gutiérrez Duarte, S. A., Vergara Jiménez, J., & Mandujano Jara, S. (2022). A year away from virtual classes in the physical education career: a comparison Chile and Mexico. Retos, 45, 138–143. https://doi.org/10.47197/retos.v45i0.91944



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