Anthropometric profile in young swimmers and correlation with lower body strength and flexibility


  • Mauro Tauda Santo Tomas
  • Eduardo Cruzat Bravo Saint Thomas Aquinas University
  • Alex Fuentes Muñoz Saint Thomas Aquinas University
  • David Ergas Schleef Saint Thomas Aquinas University
  • Wilma Díaz Mödinger Saint Thomas Aquinas University



Swimmers, anthropometry, physical level, muscle strength.


Swimming is a comprehensive sport that combines mechanical, physiological, and pedagogical aspects. Its systematic practice develops physical and perceptual abilities, influencing performance. Training focuses on physiological, technical, tactical, and psychological preparation, adapting the body to the sport's demands. Anthropometry is key in evaluating and guiding the development of swimmers towards specialization.

Objective: To analyze the anthropometric characteristics, somatotype, and lower body performance level of young Chilean swimmers.

Materials and Methods: A simple random probability sampling was conducted with 25 swimmers from Chile, with an average age of 12.67±2.132 years, a height of 164.17±14.968 cm, and a body weight of 56.53±12.34 kg. They underwent three tests: anthropometric analysis, a jump test (CMJ), and a flexibility assessment.

Results: The results indicate significant differences in the anthropometric profiles of male and female swimmers, although both groups share traits that enhance swimming performance. Males show greater arm span (p<0.01) and body mass (p<0.05), while females exhibit a more balanced physical development. Both groups demonstrate an optimal height-to-arm span ratio (p<0.05), which is crucial for water efficiency.

Conclusions: These findings emphasize the importance of considering swimmers' anthropometric particularities when designing training programs. Physical differences between genders suggest that a personalized approach could be key to optimizing individual performance. Tailoring training to specific anthropometric features, such as height, weight, limb length, and body composition, could maximize each swimmer's potential, leading to more effective and efficient skill and capacity development.

Author Biographies

Eduardo Cruzat Bravo , Saint Thomas Aquinas University

Kinesiologist, Master in Education. PhD in Human Development Sciences.

Alex Fuentes Muñoz , Saint Thomas Aquinas University

Degree in Education, Physical Preparator.

David Ergas Schleef , Saint Thomas Aquinas University

Physical Education Teacher, Diploma in Higher Education, Master in Physical and Health Exercise

Wilma Díaz Mödinger , Saint Thomas Aquinas University

Physical Trainer


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How to Cite

Tauda, M., Cruzat Bravo , E. ., Fuentes Muñoz, A. ., Ergas Schleef, D. ., & Díaz Mödinger, W. (2025). Anthropometric profile in young swimmers and correlation with lower body strength and flexibility. Retos, 63, 534–555.



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