Article RETRACTED: include references that are unrelated to the subject of the article and/or the context in which they are cited Physically Active Lifestyles within the School context: Morpho-Physiological and Functional Aspects
Article RETRACTED: include references that are unrelated to the subject of the article and/or the context in which they are cited
physical activity, psychology, pedagogy, school.Abstract
The school context embodies the optimal environment for educating children towards the adoption of active lifestyles. This is auspicious not only in terms of physical health but also from a psycho-pedagogical and social standpoint. The need to integrate physical activity into the school routine, particularly in primary education, where behaviors are established and carried on into later stages of life, emerges clearly from the scientific literature. Health education sessions with a focus on preventive measures can be organized by the school’s medical services for the benefit of students. It is imperative within educational practices to view the motor domain as a crucial instrument for instilling appropriate lifestyles, enhancing cognitive growth, fostering inclusivity, and addressing psycho-emotional and socio-relational aspects. The school environment can significantly contribute by serving as a pivotal setting for promoting physical activity throughout various periods of the day. Movement can be incorporated into teaching activities, and active breaks can be integrated into class hours, either before or after lessons. This study stems from a comprehensive examination of the existing literature regarding the correlation between the school environment, health, and preventive health promotion. It recognizes the ongoing nature of the issue and the need for further investigation to align with forthcoming changes.
Keywords: physical activity, physiology, school.
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