Decision-making on sports talent for endogenous economic growth: Talents Colombia




Decision-making, sports talent, endogenous economic growth, Colombia Talent


This paper aims to analyze the relationship between decision-making in the management of sports human talent and endogenous economic growth. A positivist approach was used, employing quantitative analysis methodologies such as bibliometric tools like PRISMA, citation co-occurrence, H-index, co-authorship, and factorial analysis, among others. Additionally, qualitative analysis was conducted to identify the main threads and relationships between research categories, which allowed the development of a conceptual relationship model. To establish this relationship, the individual conceptual elements of each category were initially presented, and the points of intersection that contribute to human talent management were identified. As a main conclusion, it was found that human talent management is essential in organizational strategic management and requires decision-making in areas such as recruitment, selection, training, compensation, and skill development of employees. These decisions, related to human talent or internal customers, are complex and currently focus on dimensions such as resilience and stress reduction in the workplace, among other strategies. In conclusion, this study highlights the importance of sports human talent management in the context of endogenous economic growth and emphasizes the need for strategic decision-making in this field for organizational success. The obtained clusters represent different dimensions and approaches to endogenous economic growth, encompassing environmental, social, technological, and local aspects. By considering these aspects together, the aim is to understand and promote sustainable economic growth based on internal resources. This study also demonstrates the need to improve this relationship in Colombia.

Keywords: Decision-making, sports talent, endogenous economic growth, Colombia Talent


Author Biographies

Inais Romelia Lugo Virguez , Programa de especialización en Gerencia de Talento Humano (Universidad de Sucre)

Socióloga (Universidad del Zulia) Participante del programa de especialización en Gerencia de Talento Humano (Universidad de Sucre).

Yahilina Silveira Pérez , Universidad de Sucre

Profesora de la Universidad de Sucre, Colombia. Doctora en Ciencias económicas, se especializa en publicaciones multidisciplinares sobre el emprendimiento, migración, marketing, cadena de suministros, economía deportiva, economía internacional, gestión turística, crecimiento y desarrollo económico.

Alberto Gregorio Castellanos Montiel , Universidad de Sucre (Colombia)

Doctor en Ciencias Económicas egresado de la Universidad del Zulia (Venezuela). Profesor de Planta Universidad de Sucre (Colombia), Miembro del Grupo de investigación Oikos. Individuo de número de la Academia de Ciencias Económicas del Estado Zulia (miembro de su directiva 2017-2019 y 2019-2021). Email.

José Ramón Sanabria Navarro , Universidad de Córdoba

Profesor de la Universidad de Córdoba, en Colombia. Doctor en Ciencias del Deporte, posee una vasta experiencia en el área de la cultura física, deporte y la administración deportiva. Sus publicaciones sobre Cuba abordan temas sobre el modelo deportivo cubano y la gestión del conocimiento en las instituciones de alto rendimiento, siendo uno de los artículos más citados los referentes a estos temas. Sus intereses actuales incluyen el emprendimiento deportivo, la economía circular, responsabilidad social, e-sport, deporte de alto rendimiento y las políticas públicas cubanas orientadas al desempeño deportivo. Presidente de la RED GADE.


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How to Cite

Lugo Virguez, I. R., Silveira Pérez, Y., Castellanos Montiel, A. G., & Sanabria Navarro, J. R. (2024). Decision-making on sports talent for endogenous economic growth: Talents Colombia. Retos, 51, 1174–1184.



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