Relationships between personality factors, perceptions of fear and social phobia in high performance basketball players during the Covid 19 pandemic
Fear; Covid-19; Personality Factors; Social Anxiety; Athletes; Basketball.Abstract
Objective: To investigate the relationships between personality factors, perceptions of fear and social phobia in high-performance basketball players during the Covid 19 pandemic. Methods: The sample consisted of high-performance basketball players of legal age who compete in the Novo BasqueteBrasil or Liga Super Basketball league. The following questionnaires were applied: Covid-19 Fear Scale (CME-19), Social Anxiety Severity Scale and the Big Five Personality Factors Inventory (IGFP-5) using the Google forms tool. The link with the questionnaires was sent via WhatsApp to the athletes. Results: A negative correlation was identified between practice time and conscientiousness. Conscientiousness accused a positive correlation with fear of contracting covid-19. There was a positive correlation between fear of covid 19 and social anxiety. Extroversion showed a positive association with anxiety and fear of covid 19. Conclusion: The present study identified a statistically positive correlation between conscientiousness and fear of contracting Covid-19. It also detected a positive correlation between fear of contracting Covid-19 and social anxiety. with social anxiety and with the fear of Covid 19. As a recommendation for future studies, it is suggested studies taking female athletes into account.
Keywords: Fear; Covid-19; PersonalityFactors; Social Anxiety; Athletes; Basketball.
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