Influence of Virtual Reality on Academic Performance in Secondary Education Through a Meta-Analysis [Influencia de la Realidad Virtual en el rendimiento académico en Educación Secundaria a través de un meta-análisis]
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Métricas alternativas


virtual reality
Information and Communication Technologies
Secondary Education
Meta-Analysis Realidad Virtual
Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación
Educación secundaria

How to Cite

Victoria Maldonado, J. J., Fuentes-Cabrera, A., Fernández-Cerero, J., & Sadio-Ramos, F. J. . (2024). Influence of Virtual Reality on Academic Performance in Secondary Education Through a Meta-Analysis [Influencia de la Realidad Virtual en el rendimiento académico en Educación Secundaria a través de un meta-análisis]. Pi­xel-Bit. Media and Education Journal, 71, 107–121.


The integration of technology as an educational tool is essential across all educational stages. In this context, virtual reality has emerged as a powerful tool in recent years. Despite its prominence, there is limited research demonstrating its effectiveness in Secondary Education. To address this gap, a meta-analysis was conducted to explore and define the influence of virtual reality on the academic performance of secondary school students. The main results reveal a positive impact on academic performance, especially in short-term interventions, mirroring findings in other educational stages. However, the lack of clarity in the scientific literature regarding the overall impact of virtual reality interventions on students' academic performance in this specific stage is emphasized. This finding underscores the need for more detailed and conclusive research to better inform educational practices in the use of virtual reality in Secondary Education.
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